4th Week Devotion  

Posted by Manila String Machine

Since we are going through the SBC Olympics, I chose to put some of my own thoughts in this topic: Archery.

Last sunday, I felt compelled by God, and actually rebuked, reminded, and encouraged at the same time to serve Him wioth passion. I do, or I believe I do, but if I look deep in my heart, I often find myself complaining and getting more excited to earn cash compared to serving God by just praying with someone or by teaching a Bible study.

Recently, I found the drive to talk about general experiences and Biblical lessons through this on -line devotional, which by the way takes much of my time, but I feel its all worth it.

Third week Devotion: Personal Worship  

Posted by Manila String Machine

In our congregational worship, we often have a wonderful time of songs and we have this great feeling of unity and strength when we sing in numbers! It is really an awesome time when the people of God congregate and they sing their united worship and praise to the Lord. But in the midst of all these times, do we move from the crowd to the realm of personal worship?

You might be thinking that personal worship is done when you're alone. Correct, but how about in church? We must also make it a goal to follow the patterns of approaching God in the Bible. Worship as we understand it, is a journey to the very presence of God. And in His presence, we are left alone to enjoy His personal touch.

Read: Exodus 24

Warm up to God: Ask God to speak to you today and remind you that you can approach Him freely and without cause to fear because of what Jesus has done.

Lessons and Application:
1. v 1-2: Why do you think in this verse they are asked to "worship from afar"?
I noticed that when you read before this passage, that there is no mention of God telling the people sacrificing blood to Him to roll their sins or to atone their sins yet. I believe that the Lord is establishing His holiness (set apart), and when He asked Moses to come alone, He is also establishing the picture of a "representative", or a priest that will minister to Him.

2. v 9-11: Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, Joshua, and the seventy elders saw God. Not His face though, but they saw an image of Him. Why do you suppose they ate and drank in God's presence after surviving a possible fatal vision?

3. remaining verses: God instructs Moses to go alone ( I don't know up to what extent Joshua came up), but Im sure he was alone up there. Possibly Joshua was a bow shot away.

This is already Moses' second official climd to be with God face to face. Whenever Moses spoke to God, he had to hike up the mountain! Before that, Moses' climb was to get the Ten Commandments, but on this climb, (He would also bring down the Ten Commandments because he smashed the first one) he had instructions on the Tabernacle, the stuff that needed to be made for the interior, the priestly garments, etc, and most especially, the ARK of the Covenant, which represents God's presence with His people. Here, also the instructions were given concerning the altar where sacrifices were to be made, and the Law of the Daily offerings of blood.

I can see clearly the picture God was painting: He was establishing the need for man to approach Him, and also reminding man the need for God's presence with them. He also was establishing the fact that a representative (priest) alone can approach Him and worship Him closely like what He allowed Moses to do. God is also establishing the picture of a Lamb to be sacrificed in order for them to commune with God. Something had to be sacrificed for their sins.

And all these are a future picture of what Jesus would do on the cross. Along with many beautiful pistures of God's holiness and love, wrath and forgiveness, commands and sacrifices. All of which He fulfilled Himself.

Jesus' work on the cross isnt just merely for the salvation of Mankind. He was restoring the relationship that was broken by sin. He was talking about forgiveness, a Life that is everlasting (not here on earth), and He was really bridging the gap between a HOLY Father, and a sinful man.

As we end this week's study, I ask you to meditate on what Christ has done for you on the cross, and focus on coming to the Father "personally", not just as a church, in our worship services.

In Awe? In Scripture? In Line?  

Posted by Manila String Machine

I am amazed at Jesus. Just simply amazed. Did you know that worship begins with amazement? It’s because we should be always be in awe and wonder of God. Worship is always a response. We do not worship God naturally. Scripture says that there is none that seeks after God. That is why God initiates the contact, ALWAYS, even in salvation, so that we can choose to worship Him, neglect Him, or give the glory to something else. Most of the time, we take the credit.

A response is a reaction to stimuli, intellectually, physically, etc. God always wants to get your attention so we could praise Him. He sends a beautiful morning, or a thunderous dark day, a blessing or a rod of correction, a tough lesson or a glorious treat… all these are God’s way to mold us, to train and shape us, so that we could be better persons, and in the end, so that He could get the glory, by us praising and thanking Him in worship. He also uses history, nature, a thought, a longing, a question in life, a tough situation to get us thinking and to keep us searching for the reason behind all these, which is God Himself.

The most reliable source for us knowing God is through Scripture. It is imperative for us to know Him through those sacred writings because it is simply the only no-mistake book. It stands alone as the wonder of Literature, the testament of history, it is purely and literally, the WORD OF GOD. No other book or writing can oppose what it declares to be true, and science has always been an ally, but most scientists aren't, no researcher can present a single shred of evidence that the Bible is a hoax.

This Living Word, is of course the object of our worship: Jesus. John says that the Word was God, and that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. Therefore we must know the Word, before we can fully worship Him. Now, how often do we approach God on a Sunday with a focus and determination to praise God for something He revealed to us through Scripture or an event or through the message of the Pastor, and taking that new knowledge of God and worship Him for that?

I can safely assume that we seldom do that. The Biblical worship is always when God reveals something about Himself and people RESPOND to it. God delivers them from an enemy, God performs a miracle, God brings disaster and punishment, God speaks in a dream, God gives visions, all of these are the prelude to worship. What scares me is how we normally do it: is not only unBiblical, but dangerously insulting to God.

We come to Him with ready-made songs, (nothing wrong with that), but with robotic hearts to what the song says to God, instead of what our hearts sing to God. We pray what song writers feel, what they write that rhymes, what the musicians feel is needed in the verse to fit. I mean it is completely normal, but my heart is rebuked when we did not have a personal revelation of God, or when we carelessly move into worship when we dont know a shred of knowledge about God's character. Its simple, I am a victim also, but it is sad that we claim we worship God when we only go through the motions. Its the easiest way to go through the sunday morning music service.

But did you know that even though we are unfit, God still uses us? I am sure that when we think we didnt have enough time to prepare a line up, we just cook up an instant noodle for God's worship. Kahit aano0 na lang basta masaya or parehong key. Wow. Super guilty... But in our inadequecies there are still people out there in the ccongregation being blessed by the song's words, or our commitment to serve (whatever level that is), and the church's unity in singing. But that is his or her own personal worship. Siya, nakapasok sa presence ni God. Siya, nab;ess niya talaga si God and God met that person. That person worshipped, and God was pleased.

It is amazing that even though we're not worthy, or our sacrifice of praise isnt costly and isnt personally acceptable, God can still use that to be a blessing to others. But the sad thing is, we as worship ministers usually MISS IT. We miss it. I miss it alot of times, and I always pray that God would fix my heart, that I would properly and whole heartedly worship Him in Spirit and in truth. I hope you guys do too.

This week, let's seek a personal revelation of God to us. Then, let's focus on that character, and even though we might have not practiced too well, or our songs are easy-fast-food songs, we could still worship God personally in our own way.

Let's not MISS it.

Devotion for the 2nd week of July  

Posted by Manila String Machine

Hey guys, kuya Ted here and I'd like to share with you some devotions and reading materials for us to grow together, though we don't see each other much.

I have longed for us to meet regularly, but it is obvious that it is almost impossible to meet with everyone on a regular basis!

Scripture: Psalm 95 A Call to Worship and Obedience

Intro: We as worship ministers are seldom really worshipers. The Biblical worship leader, though his role is not mentioned in the Bible, is clear in this short passage.

We are to lead, to invite, to encourage people to worship and express their worship to God! It is also obvious that we cannot really lead someone somewhere when we ourselves do not know where we are headed.

We will talk about the theological aspect of the tabernacle, the holy of holies next time but let us go to this wonderful passage. Here’s how we will do this short study: I will give my interpretation on the first verse, and I want you to give your interpretation of the next. That way, we could be interactive! By the way, read from your Bible…

V.1 In my interpretation of this passage, the psalmist sang this to invite people to sing and shout and be joyful to the Rock, or the foundation of their salvation. In our context we should have a mental picture of who Jesus is and what He has done so we could really do this in praise.

V.2 Your turn
V.3-5 I just want to praise God for who He is. He is so great, so awesome, so majestically terrifying, and yet His beauty is beyond description. His love is above understanding; His ways are too deep to comprehend. I am so glad I serve God who owns this world, and myself!

V.6 Your turn

V.7 Another thing that amazes me is that though in this passage, the psalmist is writing about Jews, I am confident that prophetically, he is also talking about the spiritual Jews, who are adopted to the seed of Abraham, the sons and daughters of God who are redeemed by the blood of Jesus… and that’s us! He calls us His own. He wants to be identified as our Father.

V 8 and 9 your turn

V 10 and 11 We all know that the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for forty long, complaining years. They only whined and complained, and did not trust God’s promises.. And that is the reason why they never entered the promised Land. In today’s context, I am sure we are exactly the same as the Israelites…if not even worse. How many times have we seen God do a miracle in our lives, ok maybe not a miracle for you, but have given you grace (which by the way is a miracle!) and you unknowingly passed over and not appreciate His gift? We don’t see the everyday scientific miracles in our bodies and even in nature, and in the cosmos, what we see is only our petty problems. But most of us have seen the great miracles of God in the Bible, we only have to believe it! Its sad because most of us consider those as bed time stories, children’s fables and literary fiction works. THEY ARE LITERALLY TRUE! They happened! We actually sin when we do not treat God’s Word with our full belief and acceptance. Now, going back, we see and know God is able to make miracles and is making miracles in our lives but we see God as nothing, and we doubt His care and His plans for us. We think that we are not heard, nor is noticed by God. We think of Him as a distant God, and we only value Him when we are blessed. Sad, but true.

Notice I used “we”? Yes, because I am one of those who are wilderness doubters, wanderers, faithless geeks. But I choose today not to be that. I want to walk in faith. In His light. Because I want to enter His REST. A place where we can be together. And my challenge for you today and this week, is to enter His rest by knowing Him more, and being more attentive to His everyday works in our lives, and believe again. Believe in Him again.